AI-powered image & video analysis

Get started with AIH FRaaS

We use deep neural networks to power industry-leading Facial Recognition as a Service (FRaaS™)

Enable your application with face recognition via our cloud FRaaS™ API, or deploy and host FRaaS™ on your own servers with the absolute control of data security and privacy.

  • State-of-Art AI & industry-leading accuracy
  • Ready for integration: no machine learning expertise required
  • Scalability and efficiency
  • Ethical vendor with GDPR compliance

Performance in real-world edge cases

Partially covered faces

Results unaffected by age progression

Tolerance for suboptimal camera angle & motion blur

Tolerance for suboptimal camera lighting

User cases

Make visual contents searchable

Are you operating a large storage of visual data? FRaaS™ enables you to easily search image & video contents at scale.

Simplifying digital ID verification

FRaaS™ empowers scalable authentication workflows for automating payment process & other ID verification applications. Use FRaaS™ to simplify the user authentication process with a photo or selfie with an identifying document (i.e. driver's license).

Addressing security & public safety challenges

Use FRaaS™ to build apps for security & public safety (i.e. find missing persons in images and videos). By searching for their faces against a database of missing persons, you can quickly and accurately spot potential matches & accelerate a rescue operation.

Identifying VIPs in real-time

FRaaS™ enables you to effectively know your VIPs in real-time & engage them throughout their in-store experience.

Automating workforce & student management

Using FRaaS™ for attendance management to reduce time lag & increase the day to day productivity.

Retail customer analytics

Using FRaaS™ to analyze shopper patterns and loyalty.

Ready to build?

Get started with AIH FRaaS


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